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Old Sep 22, 2009, 09:28 PM // 21:28   #41
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Aww. hope they consider mantra to still not be a blanket and actually hav ppl use some skill in farming.
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 09:30 PM // 21:30   #42
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Originally Posted by AngelWJedi View Post
why do people always think MoR was ONLY used for farming?
Because it is...
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 09:36 PM // 21:36   #43
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Not really, i use it on my ele and ranger for a few builds in pve that are not farming builds and it's pretty decent on my necro for avoiding 1001 interrupts around nightfall areas while out and about vanquishing...
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 10:05 PM // 22:05   #44
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Great, now revert back Horns of the Ox and Black Lotus Strike. They all were nerfed because of pvp and aren't used in farming, yet they're not being reverted.
How sick is that, eh, EH?!
I wish all farmers would just leave for something like wow or aion. GW would be a better place.
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 10:10 PM // 22:10   #45
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Originally Posted by Scythe O F Glory View Post
Leave it how it is, the less 600's the better.

As I pointed out in the MoR split thread (Edit: see below link)... undoing this is admitting that the farmers and title grinders won.

Nobody plays this game for fun anymore. By moaning and bitching about the MoR nerf, SF will never be nerfed. Congratulations guru, you helped ruin the game.
Just proves the devs are more concerned about what players want for unfair/cheap advantages rather than doing what is best for the game.
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 10:22 PM // 22:22   #46
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Kinda odd how we wanted the Devs to listen to us and now we've discovered that in a way they are, there just listening to the wrong crowd.
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 10:58 PM // 22:58   #47
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It sounds like Anet caved under the pressure for a split.

You know, MoR is still usable in PvP you just have to ration its use.

With the split Anet pretty much is saying "We need to keep our farmers and speed clear people happy."

Way to stay strong Anet. /sarcasm
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 11:22 PM // 23:22   #48
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Thank you for the heads up Targren.
That's me, the old stick-in-the-mud non-fun moderator.
(and non-understanding, also)

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Old Sep 22, 2009, 11:22 PM // 23:22   #49
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Originally Posted by Esprit View Post
It sounds like Anet caved under the pressure for a split.

You know, MoR is still usable in PvP you just have to ration its use.

With the split Anet pretty much is saying "We need to keep our farmers and speed clear people happy."

Way to stay strong Anet. /sarcasm
Since the MoR nerf, Pious kinda wins over MoR. I do agree about the anet part though. Without MoR, 600/smite everywhere is still perfectly possible, you just can't be a shitter.
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Old Sep 22, 2009, 11:25 PM // 23:25   #50
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When some of us wanted a PvE/PvP split of MoR, we were "QQing". Now I see bitching the other way around from some of the same people. Oh elitists, if only you knew what hypocrisy meant!
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 12:00 AM // 00:00   #51
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Originally Posted by Esprit View Post
You know, MoR is still usable in PvP you just have to ration its use.
I'll just use Glyph of Concentration instead. No energy loss if somebody tries to stop me and 3x the length of time.

Last edited by refer; Sep 23, 2009 at 12:03 AM // 00:03..
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 12:11 AM // 00:11   #52
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You realize the ONLY FARM that NEEDED MoR was e/me raptor farm,its being reverted in pve so it will keep on being used in vanqs/ect by necros,eles and monks instead of being a totally ignored skill.

MoR was/is only useful in a couple dungeons for 600'ing-and NO IMPORTANT ONES(i like random caps,they're fun ^^)..dunno why people are saying Anet is supporting farming by reverting this skill.
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 12:13 AM // 00:13   #53
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Originally Posted by wind fire and ice View Post
You realize the ONLY FARM that NEEDED MoR was e/me raptor farm,its being reverted in pve so it will keep on being used in vanqs/ect by necros,eles and monks instead of being a totally ignored skill.

MoR was/is only useful in a couple dungeons for 600'ing-and NO IMPORTANT ONES(i like random caps,they're fun ^^)..dunno why people are saying Anet is supporting farming by reverting this skill.
The E/Me build doesnt even NEED a lulzy duration MoR. In 5 seconds you can get all your defense buffs+damage buffs off. By the time you need it again, AoS or a boss kill has recharged MoR.
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 12:58 AM // 00:58   #54
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In situations like these, Anet is damned if you do, damned if you don't. So what would you do? I'd think appeasing the majority is the more logical thing to do, even though it may or may not be the right thing.
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 01:07 AM // 01:07   #55
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if they had split it in the first place (as their original nerf reasoning should have led to), then this whole debacle would never have occurred
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 01:23 AM // 01:23   #56
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Originally Posted by Jecht Scye View Post
When some of us wanted a PvE/PvP split of MoR, we were "QQing". Now I see bitching the other way around from some of the same people. Oh elitists, if only you knew what hypocrisy meant!
Its funny isnt it? And again, lets pretend that I wouldnt dream of using MOR because some HM guys are interrupt happy. >.> Regardless of what people say ala "Anet Caved," as I said over and friggen over, update notes did NOT mention farming being a reason for its PVE nerf. It seemed more like an oversight.
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 01:45 AM // 01:45   #57
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Originally Posted by Loot Junkie View Post
While we're at it, lets remove the movement penalty on OF. I could never understand why SF blocks all spells AND attacks with NO restriction of movement while Obs Flesh still allows attacks but slows you down 50%. There is a huge amount of disparity between these 2 skills. That would at least make vaettir farming a little less frustrating for eles
OF has a movement penality. SF has a 33% dmg reduction. They balance out
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 01:49 AM // 01:49   #58
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Originally Posted by Thenameless Wonder View Post
OF has a movement penality. SF has a 33% dmg reduction. They balance out
Not true. OF movement is something you can only get around with shadow steps. The 33% reduction means nothing when a couple dozen creatures make you pump out a string of 27s. Not to mention what the Ebon Vanguard skills do.
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 02:01 AM // 02:01   #59
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Originally Posted by AlsPals View Post
Its funny isnt it? And again, lets pretend that I wouldnt dream of using MOR because some HM guys are interrupt happy. >.> Regardless of what people say ala "Anet Caved," as I said over and friggen over, update notes did NOT mention farming being a reason for its PVE nerf. It seemed more like an oversight.
100% Truth. I actually thought the very same thing when I saw it. It just grinded me that the oversight happened when it did (right before the Grog Drop Event). Oh well though, Here's looking at Halloween.

In my opinion, Anet did the right thing by sticking to their guns via their update description, and admitting that they made a mistake and are going to correct it.

Last edited by Jecht Scye; Sep 23, 2009 at 02:04 AM // 02:04..
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Old Sep 23, 2009, 02:18 AM // 02:18   #60
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Obsidian Flesh has a movement reduction penalty, SF has a damage reduction penalty.

Obsidian Flesh has spell protection, SF has spell protection.

SF has attack protection, Obsidian Flesh has.....nothing.

They quite obviously DO NOT "balance out". Yeah OF has a bit of extra armor, but thats nothing compared to immunity from attacks and interrupts/condis from attacks. The damage penalty from SF isnt nearly as prohibitive as the movement penalty from OF. If you think so, try rounding up 36 vaettirs with an OF ele without getting surrounded too soon. As well, degen isnt affected at all by the SF damage penalty.

Last edited by Loot Junkie; Sep 23, 2009 at 02:31 AM // 02:31..
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